Hi, welcome to Stelakis!
My name is Stelios, short for Stylianos.
My nicknames from birth were Mr Lucky and Stelakis, and that is how STELAKIS was established.
Mum and I have been working on developing the STELAKIS brand over the past few years and we welcome you all to join us on this journey.
So, come along, grow and learn with me about traditions, customs, history and all things Hellenic in a fun educational way for both young and old.
´Αγιος Στυλιανός - Saint Stylianos
Saint Stylianos, of Paphlagonia, the Righteous, and Protector of Children, commemorated on the 26th November.
The name Στυλιανός (Stylianos) derives from the Ancient Greek word στύλος (stylos) meaning “pillar”.
It stands for strength, power, control and determination.
© Panagiota Andreadakis Text and Illustrations. All rights reserved.